12+ Best Company Name Generators
Some company names are obvious: Ford Motor Co. and Warner Bros. are both inspired by family names, while some brands describe some aspect of what the company does, such as ChapStick or PowerPoint. When you’re stuck for a great company name, don’t despair because there are many company name generators to get you moving in the right direction.
Once you have your company name nailed down, establishing a strong brand is a bigger job, and creating engaging visual assets can be an even bigger one. That’s why Venngage for Business is a useful all-in-one communications tool that can help you establish a brand and create infographics, white papers and presentations.
Learn more about coming up with a company name and what to avoid during the process.
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How to come up with a company name
Coming up with a company name can be a lengthy and stressful process because of how important it is. Your brand name is what customers will associate with your company, so it should be catchy but also give consumers some idea of what your company does.
Hoping inspiration will strike is probably not a great idea, so it can be helpful to brainstorm with some don’ts in mind. Avoid words that are hard to say or connote something negative. And you must make sure the name you choose isn’t taken, so be sure to do thorough research online and in the local area where your business will be registered.
Once you have some name options, check to be sure memorable and simple-to-find domains are available since just about every company in the world needs a website.
Related: 101 Business Name Ideas + Tools to Create a Better Brand
What makes a bad company name?
The biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is coming up with a name that’s either difficult to say or creates an unwanted association. Any words having to do with bodily functions are good to avoid.
But the truth is that if your brand is solid and your product or service is valuable, whatever you name your company could, over time, prove wise.
If you can come up with an easy-to-say, memorable name and your business is useful enough, your brand could become synonymous with the product you make, like Dumpster or Xerox.
Best company name generators
There are many company name generators out there, including some that can even give you a peek at what your logo might look like. To test-drive the best company name generators, we wanted to see what they could do with terms like “infographics” or “infographic maker.”
- Brandful
- Brandpa
- Business Name Generator
- Domain Wheel Company Name Generator
- GoDaddy Company Name Generator
- Looka Company Name Generator
- Mighty Networks Community Name Generator
- Namelix Business Name Generator
- NameSnack Company Name Generator
- Novanym Company Name Generator
- Oberlo Company Name Generator
- Shopify Business Name Generator
- Truic Company Name Generator
1. Brandful
Brandful is a sales-focused site that offers domains based on pre-built company names. Users can also purchase logos, though the biggest draw is the ability to buy a high-quality domain. Prices range from $2,000 to $50,000 and above.
It’s not exactly right to call this a company name generator, though if you have a broad industry your business fits into and less of a solid idea of what the name should be, Brandful could be an excellent all-in-one option.
Brandful is also a good research tool to let yourself be inspired by company names, logos and domains even if you decide not to purchase anything. Our chosen keywords of infographics and infographic maker didn’t bring up much, but a search for the root “info” did provide some useful ideas.
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2. Brandpa
Brandpa is another domain name exchange where users can purchase premium domain names and logos for their business or brand. As with Brandful, the supply of names and domains is pre-established, meaning you’re not necessarily creating anything unique.
That said, we did find Brandpa to have more professional-looking logos to go along with the domains on offer, and more options were available that fit our search keywords “infographics” and “infographic maker.” This resulted in more applicable company names, though including the term maker lent itself to domains more focused on things like 3D printing.
Domains on Brandpa also seem to be a bit more affordable overall than Brandful, though there’s huge variation across the board, so it’s tough to say what you might expect to spend since some industries are more expensive than others.
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3. Business Name Generator
Business Name Generator is a true company name generator that lets you add your keywords and see combinations the system creates for potential brand names. The site will also check GoDaddy domain availability, though it does not default to that.
The biggest benefit of not simply being a domain name search tool is in creating interesting word associations. We found several usable names with our search keyword “infographic maker,” though this tool also suffered from having the word “maker” included.
But it’s easy to see how popping your keywords into the search to see what the system can generate might provide useful names across a range of industries as well as inspiring good ideas you just hadn’t thought of yet.
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4. Domain Wheel Company Name Generator
Domain Wheel is ideal for companies and brands looking for quick and punchy names, and because it’s a domain name search tool, you can also see if the URL is available before you go too far down the road on any given name.
One unique aspect of the tool is that you can enable the system to generate names based on sound-alike words or similar terms. So, we searched for “infographics” and got some usable names, but using a related term, we found even more.
In niche fields, you likely will have a hard time finding clever associations because the foundation of the tool is an algorithm trained with actual company names. So, the more niche the industry, the less real-world knowledge the AI will have.
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5. GoDaddy Company Name Generator
If you’re ready to make a domain purchase, GoDaddy is one of the big guys in the industry, so it makes sense to focus your search there. Toggle settings like price, character options including numbers or special characters, length and extensions to see what’s available — and what it will cost.
This company name generator is backed by an enormous amount of data GoDaddy has access to, so that means the system is well-trained and was able to distinguish “infographic” from “maker” in our search terms. With other generators, we got lots of suggestions focused on the maker aspect rather than infographics, which is really the operative word.
The result included some of our favorite names, though many were in the premium domain slot, making them very expensive, indeed.
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6. Looka Company Name Generator
Looka‘s company name generator lets you see domain availability and logo suggestions with just a simple search. Toggle length up to 20 characters to set your parameters, enter your keywords or industry and see what comes up.
Our search results were mostly combinations of “infographics” and other words, and even when we searched “infographic maker,” we got domains that were focused on the maker space.
That said, if our intent was to create a company for makers, Looka did a good job of finding unique offerings in the industry.
Your mileage will definitely vary depending on your industry and your search terms, and as with most other company name generators, the quality of what’s generated depends on the popularity of the term.
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7. Mighty Networks Community Name Generator
Mighty Networks‘ generator is unique, as it’s focused on membership-based companies and organizations. Instead of focusing on the company itself, the generator seeks input about the people you want to serve with your new brand by creating a name for your community of users and brand enthusiasts.
That made our search terms particularly difficult, though depending on your business ideas, it may be a perfect match. In our case, reverse engineering helped a bit, which might help your brand as well. First, think about whom you want to reach and go from there.
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8. Namelix Business Name Generator
See creative and unique names along with sleek, modern logos by using the Namelix business name generator. Scroll through logo options before you purchase, though it’s important to note this is not a domain purchase tool. You’re only buying the logo.
Still, there are some unique options available through Namelix, and the tool allows users to specify not only keywords or industries but also length, name type and more. Notably, many of the suggestions the system created based on our keyword (infographics) are already actual business names, so you’ll still have some legwork to do even if you find a good name using the tool.
While we found some options, it’s clear that at least for the keywords and industry we targeted, finding several would be a challenge, which might make it tough to find a suitable domain if you have to shuffle through many options.
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9. NameSnack Company Name Generator
NameSnack‘s business name generator is a domain checker as well as a company name creator. The system uses your keywords and category to make its suggestions, which created several completely irrelevant ideas, though we found some that would be usable.
The main goal of the tool is to get users to customize and then purchase a logo, so from that perspective, it’s easy to see why the system works the way it does. That’s because the search is limited by the icons, imagery and other visuals included in the logo generator.
Still, your search terms and industry may be a better fit than ours. Also, while the site does search domain availability, you can’t purchase them directly through the tool.
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10. Novanym Company Name Generator
Entrepreneurs looking for modern logos with a custom feel will love the results produced by Novanym‘s name generator. Each purchase includes the domain name and one of three slick logo designs, though you can also purchase the domain alone if you want to make your own logo.
This tool was among the best when it comes to generating company names that seem like they would belong in the real world and may potentially apply to our search terms. That said, even this tool didn’t produce any business name results with the word “infographic” or even “info.”
As with most of the other tools, many names were completely unrelated, though Novanym has a clear edge when it comes to suggesting names that feel brandable and memorable.
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11. Oberlo Company Name Generator
Oberlo is a tool that can help sellers find usable names so they can start selling their wares on Shopify. Originally a dropshipping app, Oberlo was bought by Shopify a few years ago, and it remains a go-to source for many sellers.
While Shopify storefronts aren’t the same as domain names, Oberlo’s generator can give you a seemingly endless list of suggestions you can use on Shopify or run through a domain checker to see if they’re available.
For our keywords, we found the suggestions a bit lacking, but the terms we used weren’t necessarily focused on direct consumer sales, so you may have better results.
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12. Shopify Business Name Generator
If you’re interested in selling on Shopify, why not go directly to the source? Interestingly, the name generators at Shopify and Oberlo, though they’re checking the same basic information, produced two very different results.
Users who want to get something of a headstart can also search for names on an exchange marketplace. While we didn’t find any existing storefronts that applied to our search terms, this could be a good way to hit the ground running.
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13. Truic Company Name Generator
TRUiC‘s free company name generator suggests names based on your keywords and checks to see if relevant domain names are available. But, in keeping with the purpose of the site, which is to help people register their businesses, users are encouraged to gather a few names so they can find one that’s legally available in the state they intend to form their company in.
The system essentially creates word associations and mashups and then checks to see if there’s a .com domain name available. For our search terms, the results were underwhelming, but depending on your industry and keywords, you may find more suitable options.
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Company name FAQ
Do you have questions about how to name your company? We’ve got answers.
How to register a business name?
The steps to register a business name may differ depending on where you live.
In the U.S., Canada and the UK, this process is usually done through the state or province where your business is located.
To find the specific rules where you live, Google your state or province and “how to start a business.”
How to trademark a business name?
The process for trademarking a business name depends on where the business is located, but a good place to start for those in the U.S. is to search the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s online database.
How to buy a business domain name?
GoDaddy is the biggest domain registrar in the world, so that’s a good place to start.
Search GoDaddy to see if your desired domain has already been registered and what it would cost to purchase it. If it hasn’t been registered yet, you may be able to build your company’s website without having to purchase the domain.
In summary: A great business idea can only get off the ground if it has a great name to go with it
Naming a business is an important and difficult early step in the process of launching your company. If you’re having trouble coming up with a name that represents your product, service or mission, there are plenty of online tools that can help.
And once you have your business name locked down, be sure to visit Venngage for Business so you can create unique and memorable design assets to engage your customers and grow your brand.
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