48 Best Easy To Customize Free Error Page Templates 2020
Whether you need inspiration or would like to save time, these best free error page templates will do you well. All are easy to use, making sure you get the most out of them quickly and comfortably
The five most common website errors you get are 400 for the bad request, 401 for unauthorized, 403 for forbidden error, the most common 404 for page not found and 500 for internal server error. Among all these error pages, the most frequent error page template you get pre-bundled with your website template is 404.
We have also made a separate collection of the best free error page templates, of which many are hand-crafted by the Colorlib team. In addition to that, you also get very many other alternatives, making sure this collection has something for everyone.
Since free error page templates are easy to customize, use these as a base to create your custom error page. Before getting into the list, all the free templates mentioned here are raw templates. Use them for inspiration or style them further, the options are very many.
Best Free Error Page Templates
Colorlib 404 Customizer (WordPress plugin)
This is the only WordPress plugin that made the list. It is very easy to use, has a really great design, templates and customization options.
Colorlib 404 v1
If you are running your own online business, any kind, your website needs to have a 404 page. Not just any type, make it unique and original just like your main website is. Instead of using a default one, enhance things with any of our free error page templates that you can utilize right off the bat. They are simple to employ, modern, mobile-ready and very appealing to the eye. You can also fine-tune them and lightly customize the web design to get it to match your branding. It does not always have to be complicated adding new layouts to your existing or soon-to-be-ready-for-launch website.
Colorlib 404 v2
With your error page, you can keep the look very basic and still get things going strong online. No need to over complicate, simplicity is always the winning approach if you do not know yet what would fit your project best. And to attain fantastic results, this cracking free error page template is more than ideal. What’s cool about this layout is that instead of just featuring the 404 sign, it also has a search bar. This way, you can give your user another chance to find what they are looking for before leaving your page. Have no call-to-action button and there is a good chance they will simply close the page and search elsewhere.
Colorlib 404 v3
If the purest simplicity with a touch of creativity is what you strive for, we have a neat little treat for you. A stunning, catchy, responsive and flexible black and white free error page template that will do the trick. If you are already rocking a minimal look with your website, keep it intact even when it comes to a 404 page. You can do that easily right now by downloading the template and put it to use straight away. With this cracking look, you probably won’t even want to change anything just use it exactly as is.
Colorlib 404 v4
Another super simple free error page website template with just the right amount of action that will keep your users engaged. And, instead of leaning toward leaving your page, they can simply hit the Go To Homepage button and continue enjoying your content. Indeed, that is exactly what you want them to do. With a vibrant and inviting call-to-action button, you can increase your potential and prevent the likelihood of them bouncing off. Bear in mind, you can also play around with trying out different tweaks and create a brandable error page. Use your creativity and enrich it with your signature touch if even necessary.
Colorlib 404 v5
If the page they are looking for is no longer in existence, you can either redirect the URL or simply use an error page. There is a good chance they also end up typing a wrong search query that will lead them to a 404 error page as well. Whatever the case, you can keep their engagement at the highest degree even if they land on a page without any result. You can both offer them to go back or let them search again with the search function. Yes, you can have it all featured on a 404 page and this free page template has it already predesigned for you.
Colorlib 404 v6
If your website follows a dark layout, it is kinda obvious that you would want your error page to be of the same style. Build it yourself, however, what would be even better is to simply download this design and you are ready to rock. A stunning, elegant and sophisticated free error page template with nice attention to details. On top of that, it also sports a homepage call-to-action button so you can redirect all your visitors back to your index page in just a click. You can now keep your website’s theme intact and of the highest degree even when it comes to a 404 page.
Colorlib 404 v7
Regardless of the style, you rock with your page, we have a free error page template for you. No need to build one from the ground up anymore when you have so many different variations and solution at the tip of your fingers. We could call this next one a bubbly error page, what do you say? With rounded typography and pink for its core color, you will keep their attention and have them type in the search query once again. For your information, the page has a search bar, as well as a Return To Homepage button. Instead of letting them leave the page right away, encourage them to find what they were seeking for in the first place.
Colorlib 404 v8
Another free error page template with a beautiful dark layout for everyone who would like to go against the norm. Sure, pages with light designs are more popular, but there are folks who prefer a dark layout. Not only because they fancy it but also because a website with a dark layout gives them better results. Anyhow, grab yourself this neat and modern, as well as mobile-ready and flexible, site skin and introduce it to your website without hassle. Let them know what caused them to end up on a 404 page and offer them to go back to your home page with just one click.
Colorlib 404 v9
Sometimes, you see some text, the other time an icon and the third time, they use an entirely custom design for an error page. Whoever is in the process of bringing into being a must-have website as fast as possible, help yourself with free ready-to-use layouts. You know already that you have loads of cracking free error page templates to choose from that will save you extra time. Here is a cool, simple and easy to use web design that you can use at free will. You can also edit the text if you would like to share a different message and even have the hover effect call-to-action button send them to your blog instead of home page.
Colorlib 404 v10
Make it striking and make it exciting even when it comes to a simple thing like an error page. One thing is for sure, you would want to keep your branding flowing at the same level of sophistication across your entire web space. As for the error page, we bring you a vast collection of different solutions that will, in many cases, suit your needs out of the box. Give them an “Oops!” and then lead them back to your compelling home page to find what they were looking for. Get a free template now and put it to use right away.
Colorlib 404 v11
This particular free error page template can play as a great extension to your already impressive photography website. On the flipside, you can also use it for an assortment of different projects that you already run or plan to start. The template features an image background with an overlay 404 notice, search bar, call-to-action button and social media buttons. Indeed, a lot is going on on this web design, yet still, the experience will be outstanding. Download it now, take it to your advantage and keep your visitors excited even if they accidentally land on the 404 page.
Colorlib 404 v12
To have some fun with your error page, a crying emoji works more than ideally. On top of that, this free template is also versatile and adaptive enough to work with numerous different projects, whether a blog, a music platform or an agency page. While you will very likely want to keep the catchy 404 notice, you can freely modify the text and the call-to-action button. The latter, you can link with your home page or you can take your users to a different section of your website, that is totally up to you. Either way, whatever your final product will look like, it is a guarantee that will do the trick.
Colorlib 404 v13
Cool sign, cool vibes, that’s what’s up when you pick this free error page template for your website. For the most part, you will just want to download it and add it to your page. It is a smart layout that works great with pretty much any website. The choice of fonts makes it appear a tad more fun and jolly what keeps their engagement at the highest degree. Besides, you can also alter the text and the CTA (call-to-action) button and share a custom message if necessary. You read that right, there is also a button that is in red and can take them back to the home page. After all, you do not want to lose your visitors even if they landed on an error page.
Colorlib 404 v14
While 404 error pages are very basic and simple looking for the most part, you can still take an extra step and add a little creativity to them. Just take this free error page template as a fantastic example of my previous saying. A simple OOPS!, some extra wording, GO BACK button and social media icons in a fun cloud is all it takes to make the design appear more charming. The layout is also 100% mobile-ready, cross-browser compatible and retina screen friendly. But do make it yours and enhance it with a couple of customization tweaks if necessary.
Colorlib 404 v15
Shave all the possible distraction off of the web design or keep things more engaging with animations, whatever the case, we have things sorted out for you. With many different free error page templates at your services, you can go about adding just about any type of layout to your page as you wish. If you need something more than v15 is the exact tool that you should go and download right now. It surely is an attractive 404 page with included homepage button, social media icons and animations. The positive impact, it will have on your users, will surely be rewarding.
Colorlib 404 v16
Either you have a lot of red going on on your website or you would just like to strike them heavy, here is the right free error page template for you. As you see it for yourself, it is a beautiful 404 sign that will immediately let them know that they are on the wrong page of your website. On such that is not even available. No problem, you can easily maintain their presence by offering them to go back to the index page or straight up contact you. In addition, you can also promote your social media platforms with integrated buttons.
Colorlib 404 v17
With a cool error page, you can let your users know that what they are searching for is no longer available or never was in the first place. Sometimes, it is the wrong search query that leads them to the error page. However, in other cases, you might do a large website update that makes you remove some of the pages. Whatever the situation, make sure that even when it comes to an error page, you keep your expertness consistent and of the highest standards. An easy to use and implement free error page template will be of great value to your web space.
Colorlib 404 v18
If you are missing a page or the keyword they typed in the search bar is not relevant, the error page will appear. Now, keep the default one or spice things up with a more catchy, cool and fashionable layout. You can now get yourself multiple free error page templates and test things out first before you call it a day. It is not necessary, but having a button that leads the user back to the home page can be beneficial. At least they might not leave your page right away and continue browsing your site’s content.
Colorlib 404 v19
When you have a page on your website that is no longer available or you changed the name, a 404 page will occur. What to do with the error page is entirely up to you. However, we advise you to make it cool and actionable, helping you keep your users around for longer. With a simple notice and a link back to the home page, they might take action first instead of leaving your website. Moreover, you can also feature social media buttons and let them take a peek at what’s hot over there. This free error page template has both Return to homepage link and social icons for your convenience.
Colorlib 404 v20
Everyone who ends up on a 404 error page, you should make sure they do not leave and visit your competitor’s page. Instead, at least give them a quick option to go to your home page where they can continue skimming through your content, products or services. If they have nothing to click on, they might simply quit your site and move forward. Make sure that is not the case for you. For your own good sake, you should do whatever it takes to have them engaged at all times. And when it comes to error pages, you have loads of modern, professional and stunning alternatives just a click away.
Error Page 404 Vampire
If you are looking for a fun way to display your error pages, you better go with this cute and adorable vampire version. It features a moving head of a vampire with blood dripping out his mouth sandwiched between a four and a four. Right below is some text that you can alter and further down a call-to-action button.
You can use this free error page template exactly as is or you can add your personal touch to it. Make it follow your branding so it does not feel weird when a visitor lands on it. Otherwise, it might feel like he or she is not on your page anymore and will leave it altogether. Do things in a creative and fun way, go against the norm and stand out from the crowd even when it comes to error pages.
404 Error
This next one will definitely get you clicking. If nothing else than the back button for sure. However, you might start hitting the delete key, too, because the animation is just too enticing and persuasive. The free 404 Error page template is a cartoon of a black and white finger repeatedly pressing the delete button on a keyboard. Unfortunately, there is no call-to-action button that this template offers.
However, the tool uses HTML and CSS in case you would like to do any customization tweaks and enhance its presentation. You might add your own CTA or encourage visitors to return back to where they came from in case it was your website that led them to an error page. For whatever reason, these on-repeat short clips hook you every single time and make you stare at them with your eyes bulging.
Error Occurred
Error Occurred is a 500 error page template. With the animated web elements and the background, this template manages to provide an interactive experience to the users. You also have the option to add your logo to the center of the page. Simple clean texts are used to show the message to the users and a single line space is given to help you give a personalized message to the user.
To demo the code the user uses the freelancer website logo. In order to meet the design consistency, blue color scheme is used in the template, but you can change the color to your brand color if needed. Since you gave a clear instruction in the message to reload the page, you don’t get any call to action buttons with this error page template. The template uses HTML5 and CSS frameworks.
User Not Found
If you are searching an error page inspiration for game website templates or membership website templates, then the User not found template is the best match for you. With the subtle and clean glitch animation effect, you can indirectly show users a clear error message creatively. You have plenty of space on this full-width error page template to add your personal message.
Instead of using a call to action button to take the user to the previous page or homepage, the developer decided to go with the text link. The text link option is a wise choice to keep the design clean and at the same time give users a useful feature.
You no need to be creative only with the design and the visual effects. You can also make use of the words to stay creative. But this 404 error page template gives you both simple creative design and ample amount of space to add a creative message.
The unicorn image took the major space on this design. If you have any brand character like the Edd with the Easy digital download or one-eyed monster with the Optinmonster, you can use your brand character here instead of the unicorn. At the bottom you have a call to action button to take the user to take to the previous page.
Under Maintenance
This error page template can be used when your site is down for scheduled maintenance. With the simple animation and fewer option this template only uses few lines of code. So the template is lightweight and also have plenty of room for improvement, if you need. Other than the animated image and few lines of texts there are no other elements on this template. If you wish you can customize this template to make it fit for your need. Some big websites will do maintenance for only certain parts of the website by leaving other pages, in order to give users an uninterrupted service. If you are also doing so you can add other working web page links to this error page template to retain the visitor.
404 Crying Baby
404 Crying baby is an another character based animation error page template. This is a 404 error page template, it looks clean and pixel perfect. The animation effects are smooth, each elements are neatly animated there is no lag or overlap. On the clean solid blue color background the bold white 404 text is clearly legible. This template does not gave you any space for adding personal message or any other web elements like call to action button. If you need you can customize this template, it uses HTML and CSS framework.
Bill Error Page
It is a perfect choice for both the personal website templates and the business website templates. In the full-width design this template fills the screen space with the bold 404 text and a neat animated character. The alignment of the the character and the background is done perfectly so that it fits within the zero of the 404. Other interactive element you get with this template is a hover text, which shows the character name. You can use this space for adding text link to other pages. Again if you have any brand character, you can use it here to make your website reflect your brand consistently throughout the design.
Lost in Space
Lost in space is a complete package. This template is a full functional one and has all the necessary features you need. This template ticks all the boxes to create a perfect error page template. It is a full-width website template that smartly manages the screen space with an animated background, which gives a lively feel to the template. You can clearly mention the error code and enough space is given to add your custom message. At the bottom, you have the option to add a call to action button to take the visitors to the homepage. This well-coded error page template uses HTML, CSS3 and Javascript framework.
404 Gradient
404 gradient is a simple and elegant modern error page template. Most of the HTML website templates includes 404 templates with the package. Nowadays even some of the premium quality free website templates includes all the basic pages designed for you. If you are not satisfied with the pre-bundled 404-page template, then you can use some creative templates like this 404 gradient.
With this template, you can clearly state the error to the user and you also have a small space to add your personal message. The call to action button at the bottom can be used to take the user to the homepage or to the previous page.
Error Page #2
Error Page #2 is a light colored error page template. To match its light color the animation effects are also designed with a dark to light color transformation. It is also a 404 error page template since the code is shared with you directly you can change to make this work for other errors also. Just like the lost in space, this template is also a complete error page template with pixel perfect design and useful features. With this template, you get one line space to add a custom message and a call to action button at the bottom. This template is purely developed with the latest HTML and CSS framework.
Swinging 404
This error page template is the best match for the kindergarten website templates. Because the mild colors and attractive minimal animation effects of this error page template can blend well along with the school website templates. Apart from the visual effects, every other feature remains the same that you have seen in the Error page #2 and the 404 gradient error page template. At the bottom, you have the option to add a call to action button to take the users to the homepage or the previous page. Again it is a clean coded template that only uses latest HTML and the CSS frameworks.
Torch Not Found
It is an interactive template is a clean visual effect. To logically match the page not found meaning, searching with torch animation is used in this template. With this template, you can directly notify the error code and the page not found error message to the user. This template did not give you any other option to help you add a personal message; it is an obvious choice because for this type of animated template even if you add any personal message mostly users won;’t stay on the page to see the message.
Error Page With Animation
Here is a neat free error page template with a nice touch of creativity to it. Instead of keeping the 404 page dull, have some fun with this template. To some extent, it is pretty basic, still, it has a neat animation to it that will definitely trigger everyone’s interest. What’s more, you can also fine-tune and adjust the entire template, so it fits with your website’s theme seamlessly.
Chrome’s Internet Connection Error
Internet connection error page template, is that what you have been looking for? Or you would just like to add something different that everyone will instantly recall from back in the days? Anyhow, here is a free template that you can use for an error page, featuring a pixelated dinosaur and text. Of course, you have the right to style the default configurations, so they match your design. You will also notice that the text appears/disappears on hover.
Cool 404 Error Page
Scary eyes watching you and all over the place, that’s what’s up when it comes to this free error page. It is definitely one of those cooler ones, helping you add a touch of fun to your website – because, why not? Needless to say, if you would like to improve something, like text for instance, you are welcome to do it using the online editor directly. Play with the functions and create an outcome that is precise to your liking.
If you are searching for a creative error page template for a restaurant website template or any other templates that is related to store, you might need to check this template. With the bright color and subtle animation, it manages to notify the user, that some error has occurred. At the top, you have the option to add your social profile link and a link to the contact details. If the website template uses any other color scheme you can change this template’s bright yellow color to your default website color scheme. This template is developed purely on the HTML and CSS frameworks.
Glitch Effect
Glitch Effect is one of the trending design trends in the visual industry. Now it is slowly making its way to the web design world. With the modern web development, we can make a perfect glitch effect that looks surreal. Again this template is just a base, you have to develop your own error page on this. In the features wise also you don’t get any options. To say it simply this template just shows the 404 error message directly to the users.
SVG Animation
SVG Animation is another animated 404 error page template. If you wish to stay creative only with the visual effects you can make use of this template. But you have plenty of white space in this full-width design layout. So you can customize and use this space to add any other useful links or a search bar option.
The SVG animation template uses HTML, CSS and Javascript frameworks. Since this template prioritizes the visual effects you have well-coded Javascript and only a few lines of CSS. This template is not mobile responsive. Overall if you intended to use this template make it clear you can’t use this directly, you have to build your error page over this code.
404 error page, Caveman mode
An absolutely terrific free error page template featuring two troglodytes hitting each other on the head with a club. Even if your page is super clean and minimalistic, you can always level things up with an engaging error page. This one is a perfect alternative that will definitely do the trick. It is so cool that it does not really need any customization and whatnot. Just use it as is. But be careful, your visitors might love it so much, they will want to land on the error page on purpose. Anyway, enjoy using it and implementing it into your web space.
404 error page
Another fantastic free 404 error page, featuring two adventurists, investigating the 404 sign with lamps. It sure is dark over there. A cool animation on the number zero, the lamps and making it all feel like it is floating will definitely trigger everyone’s interest. While you would want to avoid getting folks to land on an error page, you would definitely want to make it as fun as possible when they do. However, to each their own. You have an array of designs and creations here that will definitely do the trick regardless of your taste. And they are free, so you can test a bunch of options before deciding on the winner.
404 Error: You are lost…
When you are lost in the middle of no where, a compass would come handy to at least know where north, east, south and west are. Well, that is not really the case when it comes to the internet, still, it can definitely make things exciting. Just like this free 404 erro page template. The tool includes text, a call-to-action button and a compass that reacts to the mouse cursor. This one is somewhat simple and basic, yet still has enough uniqueness to it that will fill everyone with good vibes. An error page should not make the user want to leave as soon as possible after all.
Text Back
Text back is a flat error page template for the 404 error. With the solid color background and floating animation, this template manages to match the modern web design trend. There is ample amount of space in this full-page template if you need to add any other web elements like a search bar. The call to action button uses color changing hover effects. Over all a clean looking error page template which can be used as a base to develop your own custom error page. This clean coded template uses HTML and CSS framework.
Oops Error Page
It is a modern error page template with material colors and flat design layout. This simple error page template just does its job. It shows the error code, the corresponding message and an option to take the user back to the homepage. The most notable part of in this error page template is the usage of the color scheme. Correct color options are chosen that matches and equally balances each other. This colorful error page template is the best choice for any type of modern colorful website templates and one-page website templates.
Simple Error Page
It is an another smart and clean looking error page template. As the name implies this template follows a simple design and the options are also limited. But where this template stands out from the rest is with the unique and thoughtful used error message. With the ample amount of space for the text message, you can add as many characters as you want. The only downside of this template is you have to all the clickable links as text link only, you don’t have any other option. By adding few codes you can make the text link appear differently from other texts.
Photo Error
This error page template is a design inspiration for the photography website template and for the directory website templates. Instead of a static background, this template uses animated photos falling effect. You can use this part to show some of your best clicks even on the error page. But the problem is you have to get your hands dirty to make this template as per your wish. Without customizations, you can’t make a personal impression with this error page template. Another useful feature you get with this template is a call to action button to take the user to the homepage and hover effects.
Hacker Themed Error Page
This error page template idea took me back to the early usage of the website that was found in CERN. Full of green screen with codes and flickering screen. If you are still a person who loves old designs, then this error page template will impress you.
In the name of inheriting old design the developer, Robin Selmer didn’t omit any useful feature. He provided you with the options to add a text link to other pages on your website. To make this simple error page template the developer uses HTML and CSS framework. The base code used is shared with you directly, so you can directly change the code and visualize the result.
What Will be Your Design Inspiration
These are some of the best free error page templates you can use as a design inspiration to create your own custom error pages. Most of the templates in this list share the code they used to help you get even better idea on how they work. If you are a developer these free error template will definitely be a base model to create your own custom template for your web projects. Still can’t find the template you want? Please take a look at our other template collections to get a better idea.
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