How Do Brands Use Video Content?
Video content creation has grown dramatically in the past year no matter what industry your business may be in.
Even industries that have not been content-driven are now connecting the dots between video and educational content, especially in a world quickly moving over to an online reality.
So how is video content produced by businesses, and how has that grown over the years?
Let’s take a look at the trends.
Finance & Education video creation grew massively
Video creation has always been huge in the tech industry, but in 2020 the finance sector saw 129% growth and education and public services 203% growth compared to 2019.
For these fields, the number of videos created was actually higher than that in even the media, entertainment and publishing industries. It looks like less traditionally video-savvy industries are choosing videos for their business.
In terms of user-generated video creation in 2020, the tech and financial services industries were still paving the way, followed by professional services, and media, entertainment and publishing, which weren’t too far behind.
For produced videos, with nearly half of their 583 videos being produced video content, the tech industry comes second in the race. Retail and consumer goods comes in first with 248 produced videos out of the 340 videos in total.
Since people are online shopping more, that might explain the retail industry’s push to showcasing their products in video format for consumers.
These numbers will most likely skyrocket in 2021, as the work-from-home lifestyle is becoming a permanent reality for most industries.
Smaller companies rely on more user-generated content
Enterprises tend to have more user-generated than produced video content. However, smaller companies are creating user-generated content at a lot more.
Most of this user-generated content is taken by screen recording the original content and then sharing it from official brand channels.
Screen-recording content is easy, fast and free, making user-generated video content more popular for smaller companies (under 200 employees).
User-generated videos take up 76% of the total amount of videos smaller companies created. This is contrasted with the figure for enterprises’ user-generated content, at only 45%.
Small companies tend to use their own team members and resources, and this has actually even grown by 19% compared to 2019.
As a company reaches a large business or enterprise level, it mixes internal resources with external. Enterprises have bigger budgets and have more resources and departments dedicated to producing more polished content, or outsourcing.
Either way, more companies are investing in video content. But what kind are they focusing on?
Most videos are actually educational
The majority of videos increasing are education-focused, including step-by-step webinars, demos, courses and videos explaining how-to processes.
Self-serve content seems to be most effective in the B2B space, where findings show that buyers have already made their purchasing decision even before talking to sales about demos.
This is why it’s important to educate customers about product value and benefits as much as possible in your business, so they can find it with ease.
Additionally, these videos seem to be shared on social media and official websites so that customers can easily find them.
So what are you waiting for? Lights, camera, action!
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